How to Realize the American Dream via Residency by Investment
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News feed Date: 08 January, 2025

How to Live the American Dream via Residency by Investment

How to Live the American Dream via Residency by Investment

RIF Trust on Investing in US Residency

One of the most consistently popular Residency by Investment programs is the US EB-5 Investor Visa. Why? It’s a golden ticket for HNWIs to live the American dream.

Binu Varghese is RIF Trust’s Regional Director – India. She highlights the evergreen appeal of the program:  “America is the land where anybody can make it, so entrepreneurs connect to its go-getting spirit.”

Our US Residency by Investment expert also empathizes the family-friendliness of the program: “As an investor, you don’t only want the benefit of being able to based in low-tax states.”

“You can add spouses so both of you can enjoy world-class medical facilities being closer to hand. In addition, you can include children under 21 as dependents, so they can enrol at the best US universities. Becoming eligible for the powerful US passport is another pull factor.”

What Is the American Dream?

James Truslow Adams’ The Epic of America dates back to 1931. The preface reveals that the author “has been equally interested in the whole colorful pageant of the great epic which is our history, and in trying to discover how we became what we have become.”

The Epic of America’s preface continues: “He has endeavored in particular to trace the beginnings at their several points of entry of such American concepts as “bigger and better,” of our attitude toward business, of many characteristics which are generally considered as being “typically American,” and, in especial, of that American dream of a better, richer, and happier life for all our citizens of every rank which is the greatest contribution we have as yet made to the thought and welfare of the world.”

The American dream’s origin story came about during the early 17th century settlers. In historical accounts that survive to this day, they wax lyrical about the acres of wooded land available to acquire. Later, the absence of a British-style class system is cited as evidence that everybody can achieve their ambitions in US, no matter how humble their beginnings.

Humble beginnings like Abraham Lincoln’s. As Truslow Adams asserts, “Lincoln was not great because he was born in a log cabin, but because he got out of it—that is, because he rose above the poverty, ignorance, lack of ambition, shiftlessness of character, contentment with mean things and low aims which kept so many thousands in the huts where they were born.”

Striving for a better, richer, fuller life remains the cornerstone of the American dream. It’s what inspires HNWIs to invest in the US. As we have already established, the EB-5 is the most favored program.

A Background to the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program

Congress launched the EB-5 Program in 1990. The goal was to apply a sparkplug to the US economy. It would create jobs and inject foreign capital.

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services oversee the EB-5. It takes it name from the employment-based fifth preference visa participants receive. You and dependents qualify for lawful permanent residence as a Green Card holder by:

  1. Investing in a US commercial enterprise and
  2. Facilitating the creation or preservation of 10 permanent full-time jobs for specialist American employees

EB-5 Designation

Tuesday, March 15, 2022 was an auspicious day for this Residency by Investment program. This was the date President Biden put his signature to the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Public Law 117-103). The act confirms this visa’s future until Thursday, September 30, 2007 with new requirements.

When you invest in an EB-5, your capital must benefit a US commercial enterprise founded:

  1. After Nov. 29, 1990; or
  2. On or before Nov. 29, 1990, that was:
  • Purchased and the existing business is restructured or reorganized in such a way that a new commercial enterprise results; or
  • Expanded through the investment, resulting in at least a 40% increase in the net worth or number of employees

The EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act defines a new commercial enterprise as any profitable institution set up to carry out lawful business, including:

  • A sole proprietorship
  • Limited or general partnership
  • Holding company and its wholly owned subsidiaries (each subsidiary must engage in for-profit activity relating to sustained lawful business)
  • Joint venture
  • Corporation
  • Business trust
  • Limited liability company (LLC)
  • Other publicly or privately-owned entity

Invest in US residency to live the American dream.

How to Realize the American Dream in 2025 Through Residency by Investment

The prospect of becoming a US resident and an American citizen after 5 years of residency is exciting. But you’re going to need expert guidance from an EB-5 specialist like RIF Trust. So, contact us now and we’ll show you how to begin the route to US residency today without any further delay.

How to Live the American Dream via Residency by Investment

Date: 08 January, 2025

Posted in: News feed