A Concise History of Citizenship by Investment in Malta
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Europe, News feed Date: 11 March, 2024

A Brief History of Citizenship by Investment in Malta

A Brief History of Citizenship by Investment in Malta

Citizenship by Investment in Malta is one of investment migration’s greatest success stories. It’s a tale of a tiny archipelago looking to develop new revenue streams other than tourism. Of how a fishing-focused island group cast their net wider to attract HNWIs and their families to their shores.

The Malta Individual Investor Programme (MIIP)

The start of Citizenship by Investment in Malta can be traced back to 2014. This followed an amendment to the Citizenship Act, Chapter 188. So, 2024 marks 10 years of Maltese Citizenship by Investment.

This quid pro quo arrangement brought valuable investment to Malta. In return, investors received a highly-coveted European Union citizenship that enabled them to visit, live, work, and study in Malta or any other EU country plus apply for a passport that enhanced their global mobility.

Further benefits are the ability to settle in one of Europe’s safest countries with a low crime rate. English is one of the country’s official languages. This will make acclimatization easier and also remove a language barrier in your children’s education.

Essentially, MIIP required a three-pronged investment:

  1. Donate €650,000 to the National Development Fund as a solo applicant, adding €25,000 for your spouse and child under 18, and €55,000 for any unmarried children aged 18-26 and each dependent parent aged 55+
  2. Invest €150,000 in government-approved bonds or shares and maintain ownership for a minimum of 5 years
  3. Purchase Maltese real estate worth at least €350,000 or rent a property for €16,000 a year (both for a minimum 5-year period)

In its 6 years of operation, MIIP generated $1.5 billion. The Maltese Government used this to improve its state healthcare, build new social housing developments, and assist vulnerable families in need.

In addition, Maltese authorities invested in sports clubs to produce a new generation of athletes to represent the country internationally.

Maltese Exceptional Investor Naturalization (MEIN)

MEIN replaced MIIP at the tail end of 2020. The core market remains Third-Country Nationals looking to secure European citizenship and become eligible for a stronger passport.

Maltese investors are exceptional by virtue of providing exceptional services in the way of direct investment that helps the country economically and socially.

There are now two routes to Citizenship by Investment in Malta. They are as follows:

  1. Establish residence in Malta for 1 year, invest €750,000 and purchase a residential property worth a minimum €700,000 or rent residential estate with a minimum annual rent of €16,000
  2. Secure residence in Malta for 3 years and invest €600,000 while meeting the same residential property stipulations

The Maltese Government treats MEIN funds as they did MIIP profits. They funnel them back into Maltese socio-economic projects.  This, they insist to the EU, which opposes Citizenship by Investment in Malta, justifies MEIN.

RIF Trust outlines the history of Maltese Citizenship by Investment.

How to Get Citizenship by Investment in Malta

Before committing to MEIN, you’re going to need specialist investment migration advice. We have an office in Malta with staff on the ground to assist you every step of the way. So, don’t delay and contact RIF Trust today.

A Brief History of Citizenship by Investment in Malta

Date: 11 March, 2024

Posted in: Europe, News feed