The Best RCBI Programmes for Lebanese Citizens - RIF Trust
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News feed Date: 20 February, 2020

The Best RCBI Programmes for Lebanese Citizens

The Best RCBI Programmes for Lebanese Citizens

The political situation in Lebanon has made Lebanese people more interested in residency-by-investment and citizenship-by-investment programmes. These programmes offer global mobility, financial security, and personal safety.

Despite the unrest, Latitude Group, the parent company of Latitude and RIF Trust, remains committed to serving Lebanon-based investors. It offers an intimate and personalized service that has built its reputation.

From our new offices in Beirut, we offer investors our full suite of RCBI solutions. Latitude Lebanon’s clients receive support from our global team, who offer streamlined administration and consultation services 24/7.

Latitude Lebanon’s Managing Director, Marc Menard, created this guide to assist Lebanese citizens in choosing their ideal programme.

Caribbean Citizenship-by-Investment Programmes

Caribbean RCBI programmes are ideal for Lebanese citizens.Lebanese citizens can acquire a passport from one of five Caribbean countries in return for an investment starting at US$100,000.

Caribbean citizenship-by-investment programmes are popular with Lebanese citizens because of the increased global mobility they offer for a relatively small investment.

For example, Grenada’s Citizenship-by-Investment Programme gives visa-free access to 140+ countries including the United Kingdom & China in return for an investment of US$150,000.

The stable political systems that are found throughout the Caribbean also provide Lebanese families with increased financial security and a safe second home should it be needed.

Five Caribbean countries currently offer Citizenship-by-Investment programmes:

  1. St Kitts and Nevis
  2. St Lucia
  3. Grenada
  4. Antigua and Barbuda
  5. Dominica

Attractive features of the Caribbean programmes include:

  • A booming tourism industry
  • A safe and tranquil second home
  • Affordable property investments

Lebanese citizens considering applying for alternative citizenship in the Caribbean must be able to meet the following requirements.

  • Invest at least US$100,000 (LBP 150,750,000)
  • Be of outstanding character
  • Hold no criminal record

Cyprus Citizenship-by-Investment Programme

More and more Lebanese citizens are investing in Cyprus in return for citizenship.Lebanese citizens can acquire EU citizenship in Cyprus for an investment starting at €2million

At the opposite end of the scale to the Caribbean programmes is the Cyprus Citizenship-by-Investment programme.

In return for an investment of around €2million, Lebanese citizens can be granted full citizenship in Cyprus and a powerful EU passport.

Benefits of citizenship in Cyprus include:

  • The right to live and work anywhere in the European Union
  • Visa-free access to over 170 countries
  • Access to world leading educational and health institutions
  • Low tax rates

Cyprus is an attractive location for Lebanese citizens because of its proximity to Lebanon. Lebanese citizens find it easy to assimilate Cyprus’ diverse culture and warm climate.

Lebanese citizens considering applying for citizenship of Cyprus must be able to meet the following requirements:

  • Invest at least €2.150 million (approx LBP 3,515,700,000)
  • Be of outstanding character
  • Hold no criminal record
  • Be over the age of 18
  • Have health insurance

Greece Golden Visa Programme

Lebanese citizens can secure Greece residency by investing at least €250,000.
Lebanese citizens can acquire residency in Greece for a investment starting at €250,000.

Greece’s Golden Visa Programme offers residency in the country and visa-free access to the Schengen Area.

The programme is the most affordable of its kind in Europe and has shorter application times than Portugal’s Golden Visa.

Applicants are not required to reside permanently in the country. However, many Lebanese citizens are attracted to live in Greece for reasons including:

  • A stable political system
  • A steady economy
  • Familiar climate
  • Good transport links with Europe and the Middle East
  • Safety for the family

If you do make Greece your permanent home, the Golden Visa Programme offers a pathway to Greek and European Union citizenship after seven years.

Lebanese citizens considering applying for Greece’s Golden Visa must be able to meet the following requirements:

  • Invest at least €250,000 (approx LBP 416,000,000)
  • Be of outstanding character
  • Hold no criminal record

More programmes That May Suit Lebanese Citizens

Other RBI programmes worth considering include:

Malta residency: live in the beautiful island of Malta and travel visa-free throughout the Schengen Area with a minimum investment of €250,000 (approx. LBP 432,700,000).

Malta citizenship: an alternative to the Cyprus programme, citizenship in Malta also offers all the benefits of an EU passport  with the minimum investment starting at €1million.

Vanuatu citizenship: Increase your global mobility and benefit from low taxation with a passport from the Pacific Island nation of Vanuatu. Investment starts at US$130,000.

Marc Menard, Leading the Lebanon Team

Marc Menard advises Lebanese citizens on their RCBI solutions.
Marc Menard has spent many years connecting Lebanese citizens with suitable residency and citizenship programmes.

Marc Menard, a senior member of the Latitude team since 2017, will be leading the Latitude Lebanon team.

Marc has spent many years living in Beirut. His fluency in both English and French makes him ideally positioned to advise Lebanese clients looking to enjoy the advantages of visa-free travel, enhanced mobility, safety, security, and access to world-class education.

Lebanese citizens, don’t delay and contact us today.

The Best RCBI Programmes for Lebanese Citizens

Date: 20 February, 2020

Posted in: News feed